Why choose Fjord?

Learn more about Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools (LBPs) and why they are the ideal method for token distribution.

What is a Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP)?

Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools (LBPs) are a specific configuration of Balancer’s Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools. Their primary use cases are to distribute digital tokens using a fair, open and transparent price discovery mechanism.

Key Features

Price discovery

The price of the token starts high and drops based on a pre-configured price decay curve that can be resisted by buying pressure from LBP participants. Anyone can buy into or sell out of the LBP freely at any time, so price truly regulates itself.

Open and permissionless participation

No whitelists, hard caps, or listing requirements. There is no minimum or maximum allocation. LBP participants choose how much they want to buy.

Fair distribution

LBPs flip the first-come-first-serve launch model on its head. It's no longer a race where the first bot in or the transaction with the highest gas fee wins. Get your token into the hands of as many people as possible in a fair way that disincentives front-runners and whales getting better rates than smaller participants.

Capital efficiency

The initial price of the project's token in the LBP can be magnified by up to 99 times relative to the collateral deposited along with it. Additionally, the collateral can be fully retrieved at the end of the LBP unless the project's tokens already exists outside of the LBP, in which case someone could decide to sell into the LBP.

Why choose Fjord?

Sniper Bots

When using other platforms, the token or NFT launch process is usually gamed by experienced developers who use bots specially designed to detect when a new token or NFT is listed, allowing it to scoop up all of the supply before anyone else even has a chance!

However on Fjord, our platform is sniper bot resistant thanks to our built-in high-low price discovery mechanism. You can join in whenever you feel the price is fair.

Providing Equal Opportunity

Because whales, VCs and others can’t game the start of LBPs on Fjord Foundry, it provides the average person with the option to participate in these opportunities without needing to worry about asymmetric information that can affect launch events. Open and transparent token and NFT LBPs on Fjord, with all the information you need right in front of you, is the way forward.

Sustainable Communities

Because we have deterred sniper bots and allowed communities equal opportunity to participate in token and NFT launch events, it provides them with a sense of trust and ownership that can help them feel truly connected to what your project mission is. This can encourage greater community involvement and more engaged communities over the long term.

Price Discovery

The price of the token starts high and drops over time based on a pre-configured price decay curve that can be resisted by buying pressure from participants. Anyone can buy into or sell out of the LBP freely at any time, so price truly regulates itself.

Proven Track Record

Fjord has hosted the highest volume and enabled teams to bootstrap the highest amount when compared to all other comparable platforms, by a significant margin. Our platform encourages wider community participation where you don’t need to rely on traditional funding methods to build your idea.

Last updated