Manage My Sale

Learn what can and can't be changed once you set your sale up on Fjord.

How to edit my sale

In the bottom right hand corner of your sale page there is a small purple button with a pencil on it. Click this to make edits to your sale.

From here you can see the edit page where you can make the necessary edits. Once your sale is complete you can no longer make edits.

What you can change/edit once your sale is created

  • Curator requests

  • Descriptions

  • Connected social accounts

  • Links

  • Logo

  • Banner Image

  • The ability to pause your sale which removes it from the explore page

  • Previous investment round details

  • Geo-blocked countries

What you can't change or edit once your sale is created

  • Token weightings

  • Liquidity

  • Duration

  • Price curve

  • Sales dates

Last updated